Allergy Relief Can be seen from the garden

One minute you have to find fun in the garden of nature and in an instant you will be surprised, even sneezing and you feel your eyes turn all scratchy and watery. What has happened is that your immune system kicked into action in response to the onslaught of allergens. That's when you need allergy relief. 

Allergies can also affect your mood. Depression can be a side effect obviously. A recent study found that an increase in the suicide rate in some places with an increase in pollen levels coincide. 

Scientists say that allergic reactions are triggered by a combination of minute substances in our environment. Our genes determine how we react to them. Pollen, spores, pet dander and dust mites as well as food and drugs can set off a reaction in sensitive individuals. 

One way to combat the unpleasant symptoms of allergic reactions is through the use of medications such as antihistamines and nasal decongestant. Many of us feel that old fashioned natural remedies are still the best. There are many leaves and plants in nature, which has proved itself over the years a good fighter. 

Eucalyptus is probably the best known natural decongestant. It is an ingredient in cold and flu medicine. Garlic does the same job. For a tightness in the chest and blocked nasal passages take horseradish and you can feel on your way to better soon. Some people believe that eating honey is a sweet way to take care of the red eyes and itching to take throat. According to them, eating a teaspoon a day keeps the pollen at bay. Keep this means until the cold season is over. Nettle is good to stop a runny nose. A dried extract of leaves of this plant can be purchased as capsules from your local pharmacy. Nettle can be a powerful antioxidant and contains chlorophyll, vitamin C and iron. 

Nature has very little allergy-fighter called probiotics. They are living microorganisms, usually bacteria not found in contrast to the positive ones in our stomachs. Probiotics are found in foods and can be purchased in pill form. Natural yoghurt is a cost-effective source of these mini soldiers. They go on the attack when the immune system recognizes evil invaders such as dust mites, pet dander and mold spores. 

Many allergy drugs are available without prescription. However, in the treatment of allergies, it is advisable to first test your doctor to determine exactly what to respond. Some over the counter medications are antihistamines. It can be very helpful, despite a few possible side effects, namely drowsiness. Leukotriene modifiers and homeopathic remedies also play a role in managing import allergies. Homeopathic remedies are also very helpful. 

In this time of the year when pollen rule or if the bites of mites and itching you have sneezing, to achieve relief for allergy sufferers. Help is available. Sometimes you can even find it in your garden....

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