With the demands of today's hectic work schedules, feeling exhausted is an all too common occurrence. Feeling this way in a while for a short time once a reason for concern, but persistent fatigue may be an indicator that there may be something wrong. Symptoms that may justify an investigation include:
Feel a dramatic slump in energy after lunch
Consistent difficulty waking in the morning
Constant reliance on "pick-me-ups" such as caffeine, sugar or energy drinks
Feel de-motivated and lack of energy for basic daily activities
There are many possible causes of fatigue, but the most common are fatigue, poor diet and subclinical hormonal imbalances (endocrine system). Unfortunately, many of these problems as blood tests are under-diagnosed only identify severe cases, leaving many people wondering why their doctor says there is "nothing wrong" when they are struggling to make it through the day.
For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the most common cause of fatigue: adrenal hormone deficiency.
Let's start with the basics. Think of the adrenal glands in the body's master gland stress. The adrenal glands produce cortisol (commonly known as the stress hormone) and many other hormones to the body in overdrive mode during periods of high stress. This is for the sustainable shorter periods, but allow longer increased stress levels control the body's adrenal glands and not for rest and relaxation.
There are many types of stress that can tax the adrenal glands: chemical stress, heat stress, physical stress and mental / emotional stress. Chemical pollution can come from a diet that come little or necessary nutrients from a diet high in sugar and processed foods. Environmental exposure to toxins and chemicals also increases the amount of chemical stress. Rapid changes in temperature and air pressure place additional thermal stress on the body. Overload, over-training, and lack of sleep are all examples of physical stressors. And mental / emotional stressors ranging from financial uncertainty to fight to grief over the loss of a loved one.
Some people have stronger constitutions (stronger adrenal glands) and can apparently handle more stress than others, but no one is immune to the effects of stress. It is a mistake to expect our bodies to run a superhuman pace for a long time. Working too hard and not enough time for rest and sleep are recipes for disaster. Sooner or later, the adrenal glands can not keep up. This not only fatigue. Other symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:
Dizziness when getting up
Excess inflammation and pain (including, arthritis, tendonitis, dermatitis, and more)
Trouble sleeping
Contrary to what advertisers would have you believe, there is no such thing as a quick fix. It is tempting to believe that the way out of the mess we've gotten our tired body into an energy drink or a cup of coffee, but that's not a long term solution. Force these drinks, which already tired adrenals to work harder. This is analogous to kicking a horse when it tired to work on it some more. Abuse of caffeine and energy drinks (with high doses of synthetic vitamins B) has a very real toll on our bodies.
Be evaluated at a subclinical adrenal condition, see a natural medicine practitioners who (the adrenal stress index of DiagnosTechs), the test Koenisburg and Professional Applied Kinesiology (PAK) with saliva hormone testing. PAH includes neurological tests of the muscles and reflexes are clinically correlated to adrenal dysfunction, certain muscles in the body, whose dysfunction is, this is a great tool to assist in the identification and treatment of adrenal insufficiency. Treatment may include nutritional supplements specially formulated to assist in adrenal recovery.
Although the quick fix is tempting, the only real, natural and non-toxic solutions are the following:
Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Give yourself some time for rest per week.
Do not skip meals, low blood sugar levels place an additional burden on the adrenal glands.
Do not eat sugary, high-carb foods, this causes a blood sugar crash afterwards known as "carb stupor."
You have only to exercise aerobically again to avoid further fatigue and other stress on the adrenal glands. Get a heart rate monitor and follow this formula to calculate the proper heart rate: maximum heart rate of 180 minus your age, subtract another 10 for your minimum heart rate.
If you are diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, a combination of some or all of the above measures is optimal. In most cases, it takes 2-3 months for the adrenal glands to recover completely, but permanent, long-term improvement in energy and health are well worth the effort.
Feel a dramatic slump in energy after lunch
Consistent difficulty waking in the morning
Constant reliance on "pick-me-ups" such as caffeine, sugar or energy drinks
Feel de-motivated and lack of energy for basic daily activities
There are many possible causes of fatigue, but the most common are fatigue, poor diet and subclinical hormonal imbalances (endocrine system). Unfortunately, many of these problems as blood tests are under-diagnosed only identify severe cases, leaving many people wondering why their doctor says there is "nothing wrong" when they are struggling to make it through the day.
For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the most common cause of fatigue: adrenal hormone deficiency.
Let's start with the basics. Think of the adrenal glands in the body's master gland stress. The adrenal glands produce cortisol (commonly known as the stress hormone) and many other hormones to the body in overdrive mode during periods of high stress. This is for the sustainable shorter periods, but allow longer increased stress levels control the body's adrenal glands and not for rest and relaxation.
There are many types of stress that can tax the adrenal glands: chemical stress, heat stress, physical stress and mental / emotional stress. Chemical pollution can come from a diet that come little or necessary nutrients from a diet high in sugar and processed foods. Environmental exposure to toxins and chemicals also increases the amount of chemical stress. Rapid changes in temperature and air pressure place additional thermal stress on the body. Overload, over-training, and lack of sleep are all examples of physical stressors. And mental / emotional stressors ranging from financial uncertainty to fight to grief over the loss of a loved one.
Some people have stronger constitutions (stronger adrenal glands) and can apparently handle more stress than others, but no one is immune to the effects of stress. It is a mistake to expect our bodies to run a superhuman pace for a long time. Working too hard and not enough time for rest and sleep are recipes for disaster. Sooner or later, the adrenal glands can not keep up. This not only fatigue. Other symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:
Dizziness when getting up
Excess inflammation and pain (including, arthritis, tendonitis, dermatitis, and more)
Trouble sleeping
Contrary to what advertisers would have you believe, there is no such thing as a quick fix. It is tempting to believe that the way out of the mess we've gotten our tired body into an energy drink or a cup of coffee, but that's not a long term solution. Force these drinks, which already tired adrenals to work harder. This is analogous to kicking a horse when it tired to work on it some more. Abuse of caffeine and energy drinks (with high doses of synthetic vitamins B) has a very real toll on our bodies.
Be evaluated at a subclinical adrenal condition, see a natural medicine practitioners who (the adrenal stress index of DiagnosTechs), the test Koenisburg and Professional Applied Kinesiology (PAK) with saliva hormone testing. PAH includes neurological tests of the muscles and reflexes are clinically correlated to adrenal dysfunction, certain muscles in the body, whose dysfunction is, this is a great tool to assist in the identification and treatment of adrenal insufficiency. Treatment may include nutritional supplements specially formulated to assist in adrenal recovery.
Although the quick fix is tempting, the only real, natural and non-toxic solutions are the following:
Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Give yourself some time for rest per week.
Do not skip meals, low blood sugar levels place an additional burden on the adrenal glands.
Do not eat sugary, high-carb foods, this causes a blood sugar crash afterwards known as "carb stupor."
You have only to exercise aerobically again to avoid further fatigue and other stress on the adrenal glands. Get a heart rate monitor and follow this formula to calculate the proper heart rate: maximum heart rate of 180 minus your age, subtract another 10 for your minimum heart rate.
If you are diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, a combination of some or all of the above measures is optimal. In most cases, it takes 2-3 months for the adrenal glands to recover completely, but permanent, long-term improvement in energy and health are well worth the effort.
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