Healthy Gums and a Healthy Heart

One of the main reasons why we are taught as children dental hygiene to prevent infections that do not hold together with the teeth nice and clean. Gum diseases arise from the presence of bacteria. Onto our own food particles that are left in the mouth after we eat to feed The same combination of bacteria eating the leftover food in the mouth also causes the destruction of the enamel, dentin and nerve tissue, which our teeth. These are fabulous conditions for small creatures thrive, and that is why it is important to make the environment inhospitable for them. 

Brushing with fluoride is an immediate attack on the creatures of the plaque-removing film composed of bacteria digest the sugar with strong acid residues from the digestion. The brushes stimulate the capillary action of the gums, bring a good supply of blood that keeps the tissue vital and robust. Gum or periodontal disease, infections are very serious and can lead to loss of teeth and the spread of infectious diseases throughout the body. 

The least urgent problem with the gums is gingivitis. Typically, you will not feel pain but suffer the embarrassment of gingivitis your gums look odd and unhealthy. The irritation of the gums starts chronic inflammation in the tissue and bone that supports the teeth suffer heavy losses. To separate the gums from the teeth so that larger spaces between the gums and teeth, the greater healthy environments for bacteria. The process goes on and on, usually the symptoms are not sophisticated, like a toothache, so that they may be overlooked, but with time, tissue and bone are seriously damaged, what that must be removed in the teeth. 

Of course, the most difficult conditions is heart disease, and there are various ideas that illuminate the relationship between gum disease and heart disease, the blood disease. An idea related to gums is that bacteria from the various periodontal conditions to the plaques are found in the blood vessels of the heart and then to promote coagulation of the blood and a thickening of the walls of coronary heart disease sets. The buildup of fatty protein slows nutrient and oxygen supply to limit the cardiac function and lead to heart attack. 

Your dentist is also known that fact and they are carefully that. While developing your dental blueprint The team will be aware that gum disease can affect the heart disease that are already a part of your medical footprint can promote. This is an excellent example of why you must be very thorough in communicating your exact past and present medical condition to your dentist. 

The relationship between periodontal disease and to be strong strokes. The lack of oxygen-laden blood to the brain is the main problem, and, as we have said, it seems that the microbes from the plaque buildups in the mouth their way to the heart of the area through the bloodstream and contribute to plaque formation slows the flow of oxygen-laced blood. The problem is that the bacteria cause the platelets in clotting right into the bloodstream, which restricts the blood flow. 

At the end you need your dentist blueprint includes excellent hygiene at home and regular, scheduled cleaning at your dentist office. When working through the part of your dental hygiene blueprint, do not forget that your body is very smart and efficient when it comes to helping you out. Misguided understanding of nutrition, eating hydrogenated oils with tons of sugar and bleached flour mixes, and errors such as the adoption of a little bleeding gums are normal as all habits that off misinformation. 

How is gum disease related to heart disease? The relationship of the heart to the mouth is very simple and straightforward, making it easy for hundreds of species of bacteria right into our blood stream and travel to the heart by diving for a ride on a slide. Healthy gums are easy to recognize, take a look in the mirror and notice other people's smiles. There is none of the reddish look, aw, that one sees on infected gums. A light, healthy skin color is obvious and they are hard, but not swollen from fluid trapped behind them. If you do not match your teeth that description, it's time to go and start your plan immediately. Be sure to remember that the cavities, the bacteria can grow right into the small hole, and the bacteria can make their way into the bloodstream and threaten the heart as well as entry in the gums.

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