Most of us have with the usual medical treatments offered in doctors' offices and visit the doctor hospitals.We for everything from the common cold to injuries. Western doctors to focus primarily on the normal physiology of the body systems and the healthy functioning of our organs. In this sense, the Western medicine revolves mainly around tools that are designed to see are the physical body, the microscope, X-ray and MRI, for example.
Chinese medicine, which forms the basis for acupuncture, is almost the exact opposite. This type of medicine focuses on the natural forces in the body, often called qi or chi, and how they work within and outside of our body. Chinese medicine also focuses more on understanding how the movement of blood and energy to the human health. Can interfere seasons, the weather, and our feelings these currents. As a result we have seen, Western medicine specializing specifically on treatments based on human physical anatomy, while the science behind Chinese medicine developed its applications and solutions on the subtle physiology of the body.
The study of health has historically based on the research of the human body chemistry. Western medicine focuses on the microscopic structure of the body variety of tissues and can inform us to the desired range for cholesterol levels, or what forms are normal for red blood cells. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine usually focuses on the Chi energy, its circulation in and around the body, polarities (like the popular yin and yang), climate and environment, and the correlation between physical and energetic systems. Chinese medicine views tissue and fluids to be important, too, but mainly because of how they interact within a holistic environment.
Western medicine, however, offers a different Arsenal acceptable treatments. You can tell by the understanding of the treatment for the viral infection, the main problem is the virus itself, not necessarily the person's environment. If the virus is "disabled", the person is considered cured. In some special scenarios, such as organ transplant, much trouble is taken to account for the immune system in conjunction with physical methods. Acupuncture philosophy believes that viruses capable of in the body because of the imbalances in the emotional or physical states, and sometimes even increase their climate.
Chinese medicine also provides emotional problems differently than Western medicine. For example, the emotions are always included in treatment plans as they continue to perform several physical problems in the future. Acupuncture is used often to correct along with homeopathic treatments emotional and energetic imbalances in the body. This is the reason why acupuncture is referred to a "holistic" treatment because it treats the person as a whole. Western medicine had a later start on the treatment of mental disorders, usually relying on blood tests to detect stress. Also on prescription drugs to treat the western medicine still tends to be much the symptoms, but it is definitely on the way to improve preventive measures.
Both Western medicine and acupuncture, including Chinese medicine, have made tremendous achievements in the healing arts. Both types of medicine have their own specific training and treatments that may be useful depending on the condition. By now you have hopefully gained a better understanding of the benefits of Western and Chinese medicine, and you'll be able to have a better starting point when it should be needed in order to tackle any kind of wellness problem.
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