10 Acupuncture Health Benefits

Have you ever wondered if acupuncture really works? Studies show that acupuncture works for sure some discomfort, but not all. Generally, it can treat diseases such as angina, depression, headaches, infertility, and more. If you know which disease will be applied to acupuncture, continue reading below.

Angina. It is different than breast or chest pain. Studies show that this will be mitigated with electro-acupuncture. EAV uses a pair of needles are connected to a battery. It creates electrical impulses that help in the treatment of patients with angina. 

Incoordination. A promising study shows that patients with balance disorders caused by whiplash positive results after acupuncture performed. However, further research needs to be done to strengthen this claim. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Patients with CTS experience pain in the hands and fingers. This is caused by repetitive motions and movements such as too much use of the keyboard or the mouse. Studies show that people with CTS big improvement (little or no pain) showed after going through acupuncture. 

Morning Sickness. This is usually experienced by pregnant women during the early stages of her pregnancy. Many studies have suggested that acupuncture is an effective way to alleviate this very common symptom. 

Epicondylitis. This is popularly known as tennis elbow, is a disease which is chronic pain and tenderness of the elbow. Acupuncture can help this condition especially if it is done regularly. Several studies have demonstrated and strengthened this claim. 

Weight Loss. Acupuncture can be anyone who wants to help battle the bulge. Acupuncture offers another alternative to obese individuals' journey to a healthier and thinner body as it is to suppress the appetite. 

Depression. Patients with depression can acupuncture in the treatment of symptoms associated with this condition to use. It's not just treat the symptoms, but it also works to improve the benefits of antidepressants. 

Infertility. Several studies have supported the effect of acupuncture in improving the quality and strength of the male semen. Make sure that this process by a certified and medically trained acupuncturist for better results is done. 

Hypertension. Many studies have shown how patients with hypertension showed great improvement after being treated by acupuncture. So if you suffer from high blood pressure, it would be beneficial if you see an acupuncturist and consider this alternative treatment. 

Headaches. A number of studies have shown that acupuncture can alleviate short-term and chronic headaches such as migraine. Ask your doctor and discuss this option. Detroit acupuncture is full of medically trained acupuncturist can help you with your problem. If not satisfied with your doctor, you can give him a copy of the March 2004 issue of the British Medical Journal as a reference....

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