Acupuncture and herbal formulas for the treatment of epilepsy!

There are many clinical research studies that., The benefits of acupuncture for the treatment of epilepsy Can produce an early diagnosis and treatment of acupuncture in children remarkable results. There is evidence that to achieve in terms of long-term relief, that the treatment must be continued at regular intervals for a period of two years. Scalp, body and ear acupuncture are effective in the treatment of epilepsy. 

 Quantum Brain Healing often used acupuncture points in the treatment of epilepsy, and the area of ​​the seizure symptoms. Eastern medicine can successfully treat many diseases that remain unresolved with western medicine. Some types of seizures disorders of unknown origin can be treated or cured with traditional Chinese medicine. Most of this type of seizures with little success treated by conventional medicine. Epilepsy is not often cured overnight and herbal blends are based on a long term basis used. 

Medical researchers from the Medical College of Ohio showed that acupuncture produces autonomic changes in animals and biochemical changes in the central nervous system. They believed that these changes to the improvement of seizures, paralysis and paralysis correlated with acupuncture treatment. Vagus nerve stimulation and neurotransmitter changes explain the effect of acupuncture on the brain about epilepsy. This is also the biochemical mechanism of VNS. Acupuncture points on the body, face, ears, scalp and lower extremities activate the vagus nerve and reflexes held in centers receiving several converging inputs within the brainstem. These points appear frequently in the treatment of epilepsy. Dr. Bob shortcomings provides a great book about the treatment of brain diseases with acupuncture. Herbal remedies for treatment of epilepsy can be found in a great book by Honora Lee Wolfe. They are the best available and can be found online at Blue Poppy. 

Shen Men is an acupuncture point on the ear, which has received extensive testing. The situation on the ear is supplied auricular vagus nerve in the region of the concave surface of the pinna of the ramus. Electro-acupuncture is applied electrical stimulation to an acupuncture needle. Auricular electro-acupuncture stimulation reduces epileptic activity in the cortex of the brain. Electro-acupuncture decreased levels of excitatory neurotransmitters in the hippocampus and increased the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine, taurine and GABA. Quantum Brain Healing has reduced herbal formulas and acupuncture successfully and found to stop seizures. Always discuss any new medications or drugs that are used, as these can trigger seizures in some people. 

Stimulation of acupuncture points on the extremities leads to stimulation of the vagus nerve. The antiepileptic effect of VNS and electroacupuncture target the same part of the brain. Taurine supplementation increases the effectiveness of electro-acupuncture to protect against induced seizures. Some Chinese herbs to treat epilepsy have relatively high amounts of taurine. Determined electro-acupuncture body points in rats with pilocarpine-induced epilepsy levels that electro-acupuncture reduces epileptic discharges in the improved cognitive deficits and prevents shrinkage of the areas in the limbic system of the brain used. Electro-acupuncture acts as a neuro-protective agent. It is likely that acupuncture and electro-acupuncture reverse signs of aging of the brain and mental deterioration....

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