Acupuncture for Stress Relief

At one time or another, we all experience what we call "stress". These feelings are a natural, healthy response to events around us whether these events are held in a positive or negative way. If we are healthy, and this stress is short-lived, we are usually able to recover without much impact on our overall health. However, if the stress is chronic or extreme, our emotional health and ultimately, our physical health begin to suffer. 

In Chinese medicine, stress, anxiety, depression or any strong emotion the smooth flow of energy throughout the body breaks. Stress, anger, or strong emotions can block the free flow of energy in the body. Thus, stress is the underlying problem behind all sorts of chronic ailments. 

For example, many people who complain of being very "stressed" experience upper back, shoulder and neck pain. When this happens, the free flow of energy is blocked, resulting in tension in these areas, causing pain, spasms and tightness. This tension often lead to indigestion, insomnia, headaches and chronic fatigue. 

From a Western point of view does acupuncture stress by releasing endorphins to relieve a natural analgesic chemical in the brain. In addition, acupuncture improves blood circulation throughout the body, which aerates the tissues and cycles of cortisol and other waste chemicals. 

Stress Acupuncture creates a calming effect on the body, reducing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure and relaxes the muscles. A stress acupuncturist will work with you to make healthy food and lifestyle choices that you find support in an already busy life by periods of extra pressure. And do not you deserve to take an hour a week to take care of yourself?

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