Asian Flush Syndrome: Do You Have It? And what you can do about it

Simply put, Asian flush syndrome is a condition where your face turn a shade of red when you drink alcohol. It has become popular because of the embarrassing attention to you when you received it. 

This condition sometimes referred to as "Asian Flush" or "Asian Glow" or "Alcohol Flush Reaction". The reason for the reference to Asians is because studies have concluded that about 50% of the people in the East Asian descent (ie, most Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, and Korean) have this condition. This may be somewhat misleading, because each person can experience this reaction, regardless of their ethnicity. Basically, this condition weakens the sufferer's ability to process alcohol.

Why is this getting so much attention? When people start drinking as young adults, it's usually drink their first experience with social. This usually means getting friends together and drinking in excess. For most people, their first drinks, they will be looking for a way to relax, have a good time. The more you drink, the happier you get. Now, for the first time some of these drinkers who have the Asian flush, they get a little more than bargain for. 

If you have to metabolize the Asian flush syndrome, your alcohol tolerance is non-existent. As a result, you can begin to treat the symptoms of Asian flush immediately develop after a drink or two. This usually means red flushing on face, shoulders and neck, swelling, spotting, itching, headache, dizziness, tachycardia, nausea, and vomiting. 

You can experience some of these symptoms, perhaps most, maybe even the red flushing on the face. Not all sufferers experience the same symptoms. Everyone will experience something different, depending on how severe your condition. 

First of all, you should realize, after feeling these symptoms, it is not as much fun as you thought it would be. In any case, if you drink more, you will feel worse. No question. And believe me, it's not because you're drunk. Your body is not equipped to handle the alcohol. Accept it. 

So, is there anything you can do about it? Unfortunately there is no magic pill that will treat this condition. There is not much money to research to help poor young Asians with their ability to drink more alcohol. In fact, this disease is actually helping society by reducing the number of future alcoholics. How ironic, is not it? 

But seriously, there are some methods to prevent and treat the symptoms of Asian flush. Some involve some over the counter drugs, and there are other methods that provide advice on how to have it under control. Bottom line, it is still possible to continue to drink even though you have Asian flush. So do not give up. 

On a personal note, I have the Asian flush syndrome, and I continue to drink socially from time to time. I do not think I risk my health because I control it. It can be done....

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