The advantages and disadvantages of a Dental Implant Veneer

For damaged or discolored teeth, one of the solutions is to attach a dental veneer. There are several benefits that secured a dental implant veneer to the teeth. The versatile dental veneer is usually of porcelain, which is similar to tooth enamel will look and feel. It is also very compatible with gums. 

 Veneers are also very, very resistant to stains and the versatility extends to the color selection, which obscured or discolored yellow teeth made whiter than they are, will appear. Veneers are also much easier to handle and install, as crowns, which sometimes require extensive preparations.

Despite providing improved aesthetics easier, there are a few disadvantages to having a veneer dental implant.

• After the veneer has been glued to the tooth surface, it may be difficult or even impossible to remove.

 • When the veneer is cracked or damaged, it can not be repaired.

 • porcelain veneers may be more expensive than those from polymers.

 • Your teeth are sensitive when enamel is removed to create a better bond surfaces

.• It may not be possible to obtain an exact match with the color of your teeth, and tooth whitening should be completed before the veneer is placed.

 • Veneers may not be suitable for people with oral problems such as unhealthy teeth and gums, or for people without enough enamel to ensure a proper connection

.• Bruxism is the medical term for the clenching of the jaw, and gnashing of teeth. It can be caused by a number of factors that anxiety and stress, comprising. It is known to occur primarily during sleep. Chronic bruxism can damage teeth and the veneer and should be avoided by people who suffer from it

.• Veneers are not eternal, and will also need maintenance, they should be at least every 5 to 10 years.

Although no special care for your veneers, proper oral hygiene of the required regular brushing and flossing is highly recommended in addition to regular dental check-ups. To prevent your veneers from discoloration, even if it be resistant to stains, you may want food stains, like red wine, coffee or tea, or pigment-rich to avoid fruits like berries. A good practice to follow is to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water immediately after eating all the food, the discoloration of the teeth or gums can result.

Veneers can be more expensive than other methods, but the costs required will depend on the extent and duration of the procedure. They may not be for everyone, and the results will depend on the type of work that is completed. They can be ideal for changing the shape, color and appearance of the tooth, although not as much protection, with a crown or cap may be necessary to provide. Your dentist will be able to tell you the most suitable application for veneers.

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