When people hear the word lavender that comes to their mind is the color that is closely associated with purple, but of a lighter shade than purple. Well, they could not be more correct, the only difference is that as much as color is connected with lavender is the true meaning behind lavender. Besides the fact that it's only paint a very beautiful and a beautiful flower with the same color as the name. The plant itself is in many countries, with each country having different useful for the flowery plant found.
As long as the soil is not moist then the condition for the growth of the lavender plant and prefects also the advantages and benefits of the plants many factors predominate. This is a simple system that you can actually grow in your backyard or even in your small garden because its use is practical in so many areas. One of the uses of lavender is that in many parts of the world, it is actually located as a spice for those who are cooking at heart, or they would like to try new cooking methods used with different types of ingredients. It is grounded primarily in either a fine powder or when it is dry, the leaves are crushed by hand and that will be fair enough to sprinkle on food, and many other tasty dishes that would make you.
That is the reason why you should always have some little lavender in your garden. Spicy solution for fast and fresh meal with another unique taste and blend Another reason that you have planted lavender in your garden or the garden, because of its aesthetics, the color purple with great beauty is connected, and it is the color of royalty, well, lavender as a color closely with purple therefore when connected you want eye-catching beautiful landscape of flowers you have to make sure to make lavender is made part of the entourage. Whether placed in a vase or in a flower pot, it is sure to catch the eye of many visitors, and their sense of smell for its beautiful fragrance.
Another factor, besides the beauty, smell and the kitchen herb nature of the flower, one of its most important applications is in terms of its medical nature. Lavender has some of the best medicinal properties that you find around. Many people have been known to take lavender tea as an herbal remedy for many ailments and also to improve the blood circulation. Sometimes it is because of its oil, which is usually used for massage, and also the same oil can be produced are extracted together with body lotion and bath oil or soap, which helps in smoothing the skin. Well, if you see this product the next time they see for their great properties and you can even prepare some for your backyard garden.
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