Candida albicans is a yeast organism and is just one of many species and strains of intestinal bacteria found living naturally in the body. It is kept under control by the immune system and the presence of other flora.
However, if something upsets the delicate balance of flora, candida quickly takes the opportunity to multiply, which then leads to a chronic yeast infection. There are a number of causes of candida.
Use of antibiotics, the contraceptive pill and HRT, steroid creams and injections, the use of hydrocortisone creams and injections, a weakened immune system, the use of chlorine and fluorine, junk food diet, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and stress to name a few to call.
Once candida changes form it takes a yeast form to a fungal form, putting out little hair-like roots that attach to the intestinal wall. Since the Candida thrives, it is a series 79 identified toxins. The Candida organism in the bloodstream allows other tissues in the body, causing many to achieve systemic effects with joints and skin problems.
The symptoms of candidiasis are diverse, ranging from allergic, emotional and mental to bowel and urinary problems as follows:
Yeast infections, bloating, bowel problems, constipation, diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach lining, esophagus, bowel and bladder, athletes foot, prostatitis, menstrual cramps, asthma, migraines, headaches, depression, confusion, irritability, lack of concentration, drowsiness, insomnia, memory loss, lethargy, bronchitis, hives, earache, chemical and food sensitivities, hay fever, fungal nail growth, ringworm, skin rash, itching, nasal congestion, sinusitis, post-nasal drip, anxiety, feeling "spaced out" nervous indecision, junk food diet .
There are also other symptoms such as a weakened immune system where the body defenseless against infections and all that goes with it, but I hope that the above gives you an idea of how devastating Candida can to be your health.
So if you are from any of the above symptoms and your doctor has ruled suffer a bit scary, chances are you are suffering from candidiasis.
The main thing is that this yeast infection overgrowth can be cured. But most of candidiasis is long-standing and the treatment must be as long as necessary, to a recurrence of symptoms are followed to prevent. For some people it is a matter of months before they are free and for others it could be as long as one to three years, everyone is different and unfortunately there is no quick fix.
As a starting point, take the food from your diet to feed the candida. Sugar is one of the most important things to avoid. If you ever have sugar on a yeast solution you will soon see how they enabled the growth of yeast. By constantly eating sugary things you actually feeding the Candida, it needs to grow!
Some other foods to avoid are anything fermented, yeast products, dried fruit, smoked products, mushrooms, artificial sweeteners.
Try on the foods that you can eat and not, as such, can not see and imagine you, a life in the near future, where you will be symptom free!...
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