Bhringaraj: The Pride Of India

Every woman wants a mane soft and shiny hair. Everyone dreams of having a beautiful hair with beautiful shine. However, due to environmental factors, age or genetics, some women end up with prematurely gray hair that is brittle and feels rough. It can become a source of insecurity as hair is considered the crowning glory of womanhood. There are many resources available for brittle and thinning hair. Unfortunately most do not live up to their claims. While some women may want to use products with synthetic components to temporarily smooth the frizz, these products can cause even more damage to the hair with time. 

Bhringraj Eclipta alba or otherwise referred bhringaraj. It is found in India and a part of the Asteraceae family. The herb, roots and leaves are said to have medicinal purposes. Bhringaraj has an excellent reputation when hair growth is affected and used the hair growth oil for women and men alike. It has been used in many Ayurvedic preparations for centuries. Bhringaraj is said to have many applications and is a prominent herb in India. 

Bhringraj for hair growth Bhringraj is used in Ayurvedic medicine for hair growth. It helps restore dry and brittle locks. It is mixed in hair oil and deliver overnight to deep food to the hair shaft and hair follicle. With continued use of Bhringraj oil, you can expect to have thicker hair with more volume and bounce. 

It is important to note that for shiny hair to grow, you have to massage it into the scalp in circular motions slowly to improve blood circulation. It can be mixed with coconut oil and olive oil and night. However, if you have an oily scalp, you can use it once a week instead. 

It has been used in India as a dye. The dried powder mixed with amla, another popular Indian herd, and provides a cover for prematurely gray hair. Once set, the color looks identical to natural black Indian hair. 

Other Bhringraj powder advantages Bhringaraj powder has many advantages, though it is more popular worldwide known for its anti-aging effects. In Ayurveda, this powder is said, teeth, nails, hair, memory, vision and hearing even rejuvenate. Various herbal preparations make use of it. Some are suitable for topical use, while others are made to be included. Bhringraj powder to treat cirrhosis of the liver or fatty liver to this day still some Indians. They drink concoctions of the powder with water as daily care, mixed to control the disease. 

Bhringaraj is also used to treat hepatitis. It is said to improve causes of jaundice, the yellowish color. Ayurvedics swear by its healing powers to treat infections of urinary tract, spleen, and even used as a de-worming agent in children. Ayurvedic specialists prescribe it to women who have had consecutive miscarriages, and to treat pain after delivery. 

This powder is also known to relieve minor aches and pains. You can get some Bhringraj powder to rub a sick tooth to relieve pain and fight off infection. Mixed with a little oil as a cure for headaches. Bhringaraj can also be used as a massage oil, especially in people suffering from skin diseases. It has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on skin rashes, urticaria, and skin ulcerations. It may even be to the eye for the treatment and prevention of eye infections, applied. 

It is amazing how a small plant with white flowers can play such a large role in Ayurvedic treatments. Studies have not been completed in order to detect most of the claims. However, preliminary results of research shows that it has potent anti-aging properties. Bhringaraj organic may be the next wonder drug. 

This is an article by Alina Healey who writes about hair oil for thinning hair in her blog. Hair oils have been used as a treatment for baldness in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of hair and have no negative side effects....

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