How to Prevent Mold Allergy at home

Common allergens such as house dust and pet dander are often overlooked. But it can do more harm in the long run than any other disease. House dust has a number of ingredients: tiny fibers from furniture, pet dander, microscopic bits of human skin, food particles, detergent fragments and much more. Dust mites, insects too small to be seen with the naked eye, have ticks, spiders, etc. were the focus of research for many allergists. They can live almost anywhere in the house and are found in the greatest numbers in bedding, furniture and carpets. Another common allergen is mold spores, especially that of black mold.

Fragments of the mites themselves can be allergens, as substances found in their feces. A thorough house cleaning to reduce the amount of dust and the number of mites is important for anyone with house dust allergy. Doctors suspect is house dust allergy if the patient suffers year-round symptoms that flare up during spring cleaning or at other times when the amount of dust in the air is increased.

How to avoid mold allergies at home:1 Regular cleaning of household items: Start with mattresses, box springs and pillows, which should then be taken in dust-proof covers. Mattress should be removed from the bedroom of allergy sufferers. Floors (and the rest of the room) should be cleaned at least once a week.

2 Keep the humidity controlled reduced black mold: Humidity should be kept low, since dust mites grow only if the humidity is over 20%. packed and ornate furniture should be kept in the room of Allergy, because it traps so much dust. Pets, furs, stuffed animals and other potential sources of allergens should also be banished from the person's room.

3 Elimination of molds: cleaning the house to get rid of molds requires additional steps. Molds grow easily in the warm, moist atmosphere of the bathroom, which should always be well ventilated and thoroughly cleaned with a fungicide if necessary. Damp basements can also breeding grounds for mold, a dehumidifier can reduce their growth.

4 Clean these bed covers and pillow: pillows are another possible source, they develop forms with time and use and should be replaced every year or two. You should consider switching to anti allergen pillow covers or bedspreads. They offer good protection against mold and other microorganisms allergens. You should also disinfect hypoallergenic detergents to clean the upholstery at home.

5 Clean the filters AC air conditioning can have both good and bad effects on allergy patients. When the air conditioner filter is not cleaned or replaced regularly, they can collect pollen and molds. But when air conditioners are kept in recirculation mode, so they do not draw in air from the outside and when their filters must be kept clean, they can greatly reduce the amount of allergens in the air. If you have allergies to mold, you should make it a point to clean the air conditioner filter frequently.

6 Air filters: electronic air filtration machines are even more effective. This sophisticated services on space-program technology that can remove as much as 99% of air pollutants. The most effective are called HEPA or high-energy particle-catch, filter. These tend to be expensive, costing about as much as an air conditioner. Some machines combine HEPA and activated carbon filter for even greater efficiency.

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