PSYCH-K Success Story - How I transformed my corn allergy!

Four weeks ago, my husband asked for me to get him some corn for dinner. No big deal, most would say. But for me it was the moment I touched the freezer door handle of the moment would change my life forever. 

As I reached into the freezer to grab the bag of frozen corn my past flashed before me. I was 6 years old again, very sad, my grandmother sitting at the table in Wichita, Kansas, what might be in my 6 year old mind the last time. 

I was moving from Kansas to Colorado. I left my best friend in the whole world, my beloved grandmother. Would I ever see them again? How long would it take before I could be with her again? I would move to 500 miles away. I might as well move half way around the world. It was a gut wrenching, horrible feeling. In fact, it was the most disturbing time in my young life. 

My lovely grandmother had made my favorite food for our farewell party; Jolly Green Giant Niblet corn with butter sauce in a oven-proof nylon bag. How cool was that? But it was the last time that I could eat my favorite food, because it was too expensive and my mother would never buy. 

We moved to Colorado, and I could not eat corn all kinds Every time I ate it I had terrible pain and had heartbreaking quickly after a bath. Even at 6, I realized it was the corn. No one else has the connection. But I sure did. 

Fast forward to my age of 30 years, and I am diagnosed with an allergy to corn. No kidding! I already knew that I had been included by the consumption of corn for 24 years of voice. Now I would eat it to miss the rest of my life. 

Fast forward another 19 years PSYCH-K in my life. After a year of wonderful changes through collaboration with various PSYCH-K process that I still have not tackled this most pressing of food until I touched the bag of frozen corn in the freezer 4 weeks before. I thought to myself, I wonder if my corn allergy is bound this traumatic moment when I was 6 years old? I threw the bag of corn in the pan and place it on the stove to cook. Then I went to work making a PSYCH-K balance. Sure enough, the event had the subconscious connection of maize caused by heartbreaking pain! 

I had a gut wrenching experience every time I ate corn as a child through my entire adult life. I had a gut wrenching experience when eating corn during this traumatic departure. The subconscious mind is the master of association and corn had been associated with the gut wrenching trauma of moving to Colorado in conjunction. 

After doing a PSYCH-K Balance I confidently told my husband I would eat corn, the night and have no problems. It was a joyous moment and boy it tasted really wonderful! I was not just a portion, but went back for a large portion of 2 the golden stuff. No reaction! No histamine response, no colds, no stuffy nose, no heartbreaking trip to the bathroom! I slept comfortably all night and had no cramps or discomfort of any kind after 43 years of avoiding a simple corn PSYCH-K as everything changed. Just incredible! 

So when people ask me, I say confidently about allergies now that we have to explore a little. Most allergies are tied to a person, an event or situation that constituted a challenge or negative association to a food, environmental or animal element. When we tap into the subconscious mind we are able to make dynamic changes very quickly. 

It's been four weeks since my return to eat corn. I have corn on the cob, corn niblets loose and pop corn several times now and still no response. So, I sing praises to PSYCH-K for the opportunity to enjoy eating corn again!...

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