What is a herniated disc and what are the various herniated disc treatment options?

The discs are found the rubbery cushions between the vertebrae. A disc herniation occurs when one of the plates is displaced from its normal position. This condition can be anyone of any age, but is most common in people who are between 35 and 55 in age. This problem can be very frustrating to deal with, but fortunately there are many herniated disc treatment options available. 

What are some of the symptoms? Many people with a herniated disc have no signs or symptoms. Those symptoms are likely to experience back pain, tingling in the affected area, and muscle weakness. Some patients may also experience pain that radiates her arms or legs. 

Who is at risk for developing this condition? Obesity can move to one of the plates from the position. People who have a job that requires a lot of heavy lifting also have an increased risk for the development of a herniated disc. 

What happens when a herniated disc is left untreated? The symptoms will only continue to get worse if the herniated disc is not treated. Some patients may develop bladder or bowel incontinence. Saddle anesthesia is another complication associated with an untreated herniated disc. Saddle anesthesia is a condition that causes a person to lose sensation in the back of the legs, inner thighs and rectum. 

What are some treatment options available? Ninety percent of patients on over-the-counter medication and a specialized training program react. In fact, most people get better within two months after treatment. Ibuprofen, Aleve and Tylenol are examples of drugs that relieve mild to moderate pain. 

Most patients who have a herniated disc, to be referred to a physiotherapist. A physical therapist can show the patient exercises that can improve core strength and stability that can protect against future violations. Exercise can also help to reduce the pain. Physiotherapists also recommend that patients apply ice or heat to the affected area. 

A small percentage of patients required to have surgery. Doctors usually recommend surgery if the symptoms may not improve within six weeks after treatment. It is also recommended if the operation to be herniated disc with the patient's ability or will bother to go. 

The doctor will usually remove the part of the disc that protrudes. However, some patients will need to remove their entire hard drive. If the surgeon removes the entire hard drive, he or she will fuse the vertebrae together with a metal hardware or insert an artificial disk. 

How can a herniated disc be prevented? Because it is more likely to occur in obese people, maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best things that can be done to prevent this can be. Furthermore, people also need to ensure that they exercise regularly. Regular exercise helps to support and stabilize the spine muscles. 

Aspen Integrative Medicine offers a non-surgical alternative to herniated disc treatment. Located in the Aspen Valley region of Colorado, this center focuses on non-surgical alternatives to healing. Contact us today to see how your old injuries may finally be healed....

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