Acupuncture From East to West

The therapeutic practice known as acupuncture was created in China over 4000 years ago and was first recorded in the Shiji text. The ancient Chinese thought that energy through the body in channels called meridians, each of which moves designated to a specific organ. The state of each of these organs was strongly dependent on the flow of energy which they were received, that could be improved over a period of disease or pain by inserting a needle at a point on the meridian. This was done to control the flow of life energy (chi) through the promotion of its circulation around the meridians, thereby significantly restore to improving the health of the patient. 

Interestingly, acupuncture was almost unknown as a practice in Western countries until President Nixon returned from his famous journey to China in 1972, where an acupuncturist in Beijing eased due to his post-abdominal surgery the discomfort. In just thirty years, an estimated 20,000 certified practitioners have been documented as an employee in the workforce of the United States. The use of acupuncture in the West have included relief of chronic pain such as migraine and arthritis, as well as prevention and treatment of bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Also, depression and panic attacks have effectively treated with this method of alternative healing. More recently, it has been studied by medical researchers due to its potential for involuntary functions such as the immune system affect the performance, body temperature and blood pressure. The success has also led numerous studies, conducted to the remedial benefits of the therapy, the test of the treatment of drug abuse infertility and symptoms of pain associated with HIV. 

Western practitioners perform as a result of nerve stimulation it causes the effectiveness of acupuncture. The chemical balance in the brain, especially in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland is adjusted with the release of neurotransmitters, which act as natural painkillers changed during therapy. Muscle and connective tissue at or near the site of application are affected by the process and, to increase blood flow in the body and promotes a feeling of relaxation and comfort to the patient in treatment. 

The advantages of this in comparison with conventional practice Eastern Western medicine and surgery are the few risks associated with acupuncture therapy and the lack of common side effects. The likelihood of infection or disease that is contracted by the needles used heavily when therapy by a certified doctor who is required by law to receive multiple courses and a standard examination before the ball is done reduced their credentials. 

The therapy is also very inexpensive compared to standard Western treatments, since they do not require hospitalization of the patient, laboratory tests or drugs at any time after the procedure. Finally, the treatment is more comfortable than most, because it is easy, with other popular forms of western or oriental treatment that are available, such as combining physical or mental, without interference, which is between them.

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