Three things you do not know about the main Reiki symbols

There is a lot of information available about the Reiki symbols, but there is always something new to learn. Here are three interesting but lesser known facts.

About Cho Ku ReiThe way to draw Cho Ku Rei is just a convention. Some masters teach that it should be drawn clockwise. Others teach it counterclockwise. And still others are taught to pull it in a direction reverse to reduce the flow of energy, and they. There are practitioners who do not use it at all, and a lot of other options in between.

The fact is, there is no right or wrong way. This means that you give, and the way the connection is with the intention of being formed in your mind, what makes it work the way it works. Suppose your master taught that the proper way to draw it clockwise. Drag it in a clockwise direction, and you realize that it works. But if your master told you otherwise to pull it around, you would have noticed the same results.

No need, the way you drag to change it now. Not fix anything if it is not broke.The proper way to draw Cho Ku Rei is the way that works for you.

About Sei He KiThe two halves of the brain deal with different aspects of life. The left hemisphere is responsible for reasoning, logic, rationality. The right deals with dreams, imagination, intuition.

Sei He Ki will bring a balance on the two hemispheres, so that for a life that is rooted neither in the pure logic, still in a dream state. Achieved peace in life when the two sides work together in balance and harmony.

About Hon Sha Ze Sho NenYou can use the distant healing symbol (only intend, while no special "give" in a Reiki flow, process) on your phone to give and activate when you talk on the phone to Reiki to the situation you and the other person Send're talking, or to that person, should benefit from and be accepted by their higher self.

You can begin transmitting as soon as the phone rings, let it flow "on autopilot", ie the intention that the flow ends either when you hang or it takes a while, if required by the situation at hand . Please note that Reiki is an intelligent energy, and it is quite capable of turning itself off exactly at the right time.After a while will be automatically, and you will become a beacon and shining more light and energy in the world and in all that you are a part.

Bonus Tip: The icon sandwichTo increase the efficiency and output of an icon, can sandwich technique:

Drawing Cho Ku Rei
Draw the desired symbol
Drawing Cho Ku Rei again

Now you have a delicious sandwich, sealed with the power symbol - what a power sandwich.

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