Acupuncture and Headaches

One of the most common complaints among patients is headache. Headaches affect people's health in many ways. There are many different types of headaches such as migraine, cluster and tension headaches. A form of medicine, the treatment of headache for more than two thousand years, Chinese medicine and acupuncture. 

Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine View headaches otherwise. Western medicine headaches are a subjective symptom of a disease. Some of the diseases that can cause headaches, are trigeminal neuralgia, sinus, eye disorders, head injury and meningitis. These are just a few, but there are many different diseases that can cause headaches. There are also many different types of headaches. Various properties such as tension headaches, migraine headaches and disorder Treatment options for headache in Western medicine depends on the type of headache, but usually some sort of pain relieving medications such as NSAIDs or opiates will belong. There are also many different diagnostic techniques to diagnose the different types of headaches such as X-rays and MRI. 

According to Chinese medicine headaches are not only a subjective symptom, but a disease. Chinese medicine also has different types of headaches according to the different types of pathology. For example, headaches are caused from an internal organ failure. When the liver, spleen and kidney are from the disharmony and the essential substances in the body such as blood, energy, essence is not nourish the brain headache. There can be many different causes of headaches, according to Chinese medicine. You need to see a Chinese doctor who can ask you some questions, look at your tongue and feel your pulse to see what type of headache you have. After a proper Chinese medical diagnosis is made then the appropriate treatment can, whether it is acupuncture, herbs, tuina, or a combination of modalities. 

Chinese medical treatment for headaches can include acupuncture, herbs and Tuina. Acupuncture has. Considered very effective for the treatment of headaches It allows the energy and blood to flow more and promote the body's own healing mechanisms. An acupuncturist is mainly acupuncture points according to the type of headache and disharmony that the doctor found. There are also several male herbal formulas that help with headaches. It all depends on what your Chinese medical diagnosis is to determine which to describe herbal formula. Tui na is the Chinese medical massage. Tui na can be used in conjunction with acupuncture to enhance the healing effects. There are Tuina manipulations that can be effective for headaches. Chinese medicine is generally a viable treatment option for headaches.

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