Effective Ayurvedic Treatments for hepatitis and liver cirrhosis

Modern medicine is a wonderful thing, but it can not cure everything. Medications often with side effects, some of which are worse than the symptoms are supposed to heal the pills. Fortunately, there are alternatives that are used in addition to or instead of conventional medicine, these symptoms that make our lives a misery in order to further relieve. 

Ayurvedic medicine comes to us from India, where it has been the preferred practice of medicine for over 5000 years. It focuses on natural herbal remedy that has long been honored and proven in the treatment of many problems of colon cleansing and liver cirrhosis, treatment of jaundice and hepatitis. 

In India, Ayurvedic medicine is practiced by many orthodox medical practitioners. Doctors often use to supplement their Western medical practices, because its all-natural therapies in the treatment of diseases of modern medicine can not handle quickly or cheaply useful. 

The treatment of liver cirrhosis with Eclipta Alba The leaves of the eclipta alba (locally known as bhringaraj) plant are liver protective, that is, they enhance the body's natural resistance to the liver system by assisting in the elimination of toxins from the liver damage. 

In fact, the chemicals have eclipta alba contained in several scientific tests have shown that some of the strongest naturally-produced chemicals in the world to be. For the treatment of liver problems, no other plant extract is in the vicinity of the efficacy eclipta alba, and its effectiveness surpasses even more drugs. 

The active ingredients in eclipta alba determined that protect the liver are demethyl wedelolactone and wedelolactone, both of which are found throughout the plant. These chemicals are known for their antihepatotoxic qualities. 

Treatment of hepatitis with Ayurveda Ayurvedic treatments for viral hepatitis came to the attention of Western medicine in 1979, when the research of Dr. Thyagarajan demonstrated, may be as effective natural herbal medicine. In India, conventional treatments for hepatitis are expensive and therefore out of reach of many citizens, but hepatitis was a major concern in the 1970s. 

The extract is reused as the active ingredients for the control of hepatitis are contained mainly in the leaves. Here, the extract is mixed with either honey and added 5-10 ml doses or in a laboratory and the essential ingredients for the fight against the virus are extracted and converted into easy to swallow pills broken. 

As a result, Dr. Thyagarajan research was met with great interest. He proved that extracting the essential chemicals from the Keezharnelli plant, known as Western science Phyllanthus Amaru and producing tablets from them could cure hepatitis B. His studies by other scientists since 1979 and examined in 2009, Dr. Thyagarajan began process of patenting his discovery to the University of Madras. 

Eclipta Alba, Nature Purifier The roots of the plant eclipta alba are known for their emetic and purgative qualities. The plant leaf juice is also effective in the treatment of jaundice, which is often a side effect of liver damage and goes hand in hand with liver cirrhosis. 

Eclipta alba plants are very effective cholagogues, ie they promote bile into the intestine, and they also have incredibly deobstructant properties. This makes the system a very effective treatment for many liver problems. In addition, the eclipta alba extract also an effective antifungal agent and an antiviral agent, so it is in the treatment of certain infections, too. 

Leaf extracts from eclipta alba are a powerful blood purifier. The extract has been used for centuries to treat anemia because eclipta alba improved hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin (also spelled hemoglobin) is the part of red blood cells that transports oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide from cells, transporting it back to the lungs for expulsion. 

Under the leaf extract to reduce three times daily, and is possibly even eliminate the symptoms of anemia. The extract is extremely bitter-tasting, however, it must be non-reactive with a sweetening agent such as honey are mixed, when it is consumed. 

Ayurvedic medicine is a long and time-honored practice of Western science only comes to understand the full potential. With many Indian doctors now with ayurvedic remedies in addition to their traditional practices and more Western scholars to conduct research on the effects of Ayurvedic treatments, it is only a matter of time before this 5000 year old discipline gets global recognition it deserves....

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