Stress and Leaky Gut

We know that stress affect the digestive system, but this is only the beginning of the story of what stress can do to your intestines. 

Cause of stress inside and outside leaky gut Stress can come from within, in response to the everyday stresses that increases our stress hormones. Chronically elevated cortisol eating prolonged daily stress leads to burnout. Burnout leads to low cortisol and DHEA levels, which translates into lower energy. Other internal stressors include low stomach acid that can enter undigested proteins in the small intestine, and even low thyroid or sex hormones (which related to cortisol, too). 

Stress also comes from external sources. If you (to a food and not realizing it you may be sensitive) eat a food to which you are sensitive, this will cause an inflammatory response in your body. Common food sensitivities include those to gluten, dairy and eggs. Other voltages of infections occur (eg bacteria, yeasts, viruses, parasites) and even brain trauma (such as concussion you when you fell off your bike as a kid). Antibiotics, corticosteroids and antacids also put stress on your small intestine. 

What is Leaky Gut? These are some of the internal and external causes can contribute to leaky gut. So what is "leaky gut," anyway? 

In a healthy digestive system, once the protein in your meal is down by stomach acid, the stomach contents, called chyme broken into the duodenum pass (upper portion of the small intestine). It is the acidic chyme with digestive enzymes and bicarbonate from the pancreas mixed with bile from the gallbladder. As the chyme moves secreted by the small intestine, enzymes digest carbohydrates by intestinal cells. In the small intestine the food into glucose, amino acids and fatty acids that enter the bloodstream to feed the cells of your body is broken. 

In a leaky gut (actually a leaking small intestine) can not be completely digested proteins, fats and / or carbohydrates. Usually the cells of the intestinal wall which tightly packed together in order to hold undigested debris from the bloodstream. The locations that meet where neighboring cells are called "tight junctions". Tight junctions are designed to allow nutrients into the bloodstream but keep toxins out. Over time, since the tight junctions damaged due to different tensions in the intestine to develop gaps between the intestinal cells so that undigested food particles directly into the blood. This is Leaky Gut. 

Why should I be concerned about Leaky Gut? Undigested food in your blood gets seen by the immune system as an invader, and soon you will be making antibodies to gluten or egg, or whatever happens happen particle. A normal immune system process creates inflammation. If you keep eating the offending food, this inflammation becomes chronic. Chronic inflammation has implications for the health of their own, which I'll tell you more in a future post. 

Leaky gut can lead to autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It also plays an important role in many cases of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, brain fog, chronic fungal infections and sensitivity to chemical smells - and this is only a partial list of issues related to leaky gut. 

Food sensitivities, intestinal infections and leaky gut are far more common than you think. It is estimated that 30% of people who seem otherwise healthy have leaky gut to have while up to 80% of people with health problems. 

If you have multiple symptoms, I recommend you a good start repair log. Depending on the severity of the symptoms and how long you've lived with them, it should take out 10 to 90 days to feel significant improvement everywhere. More healing takes longer, but is worth the effort. Find a reputable doctor that your natural function of the adrenal cortex before embarking on a gut repair program is to balance....

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