Alternative Medicine Cancer Treatment

Today I would like some alternative medicine cancer treatments, and some reasons why we have them, by talking some of the side effects of the most commonly used and accepted treatment of cancer today, chemotherapy, or "chemo". The comparison may change your view on the cancer treatment you choose, or not choose rather to take. 

At the beginning I will briefly explain the basic mechanisms of cancer. All body cells replicate by half again and again, while the same number of cells serve their purpose, die and be discharged from the body, creating a system of always renew health. 

Cancer on the other hand is created to replicate from a single cell, but do not die like it should replicate all cancer cells after a short time, and instead continue to reproduce and replicate remain until a "cancer" forms in which part of the body it started in. cancer growth grows in size to displace up begins with its mass, organ or bodily function they inhabited. For example, a kidney tumor can host it acts by growing in or around the kidney to alter its shape and disrupt the normal functions of the kidney, this can be painful as the cancer progresses. 

Chemotherapy is used to treat many types depending on the type of cancer, but generally works by the destruction of rapidly replicating cells, that is cancer. Unfortunately, there are many areas of the body in the rapidly replicating cells, however, are not limited to:

Bone marrow: red and white blood cells is reduced.
Lining of the digestive tract: abscesses and bleeding can occur.
Hair, skin and nails: Hair loss, wounds may eruption on the skin, etc.
Inside the mouth: may include pain and small abscesses occur. 

These are only a very small number of side effects of chemotherapy can produce, and rather scary and uncomfortable most patients recover slowly when treatment stops, hopefully cancer free. It is for these and other unpleasant side effects, including large monetary cost patients seek other "alternative medicine cancer treatments" for the treatment of their cancer. Alternative Medicine Cancer Treatments range from many things, these are:

Acupuncture: the blood circulation in the problem areas of the body to promote healing.
Mind / body medicine: Do you think your thoughts affect your health.
Herbal medicines: These range from traditional herbal preparations for thousands of years, mainly used by Eastern cultures, to herbs and foods with recently discovered cancer and disease fighting compounds.
Over the counter vitamins and antioxidants. 

Chemotherapy and alternative medicine cancer treatments, both report varying degrees of success; chemotherapy can be very effective, although the side effects must be taken into account not to mention the cost. Alternative methods, however, almost never have side effects if used properly, and are only a fraction of the cost of chemotherapy. It is for these reasons, alternative medicine cancer treatments are an accepted method to treat cancer and other diseases quickly. The question now is what you use to do some research to read through articles and advice and to find that some good information to back it up and it sounds good to you.

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