Millions of Americans, it is estimated up to 50 million, suffer from a number of allergies. The most common: pollen, dust, dander, food. Ragweed, dog, cat, peanut, etc. Then of course you have your seasonal allergies, with the spring and summer time being the most productive. Of course you are divided into more specific categories ie broken
What is an allergy? An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a substance that is harmless to some people. But someone with this particular allergy, the body's immune system treats the substance (allergen) as an invader and reacts to protect your body, resulting in symptoms that can be anywhere from annoying potentially fatal to humans.
There are even some that you might not know existed as well: sunshine, cold, heat, vibration and noise If you have a constant runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, hives, or unexplained swelling, you are a prime candidate for allergy testing. One of the most problematic allergies these days are food allergies. There are boards that specialize in allergy tests from peanuts to melon to zucchini. Recent changes in food packaging have led to a slight decline in cases of accidental food allergy reactions, but with so many food processing plants used to make food from each category, cross-contamination and thus unintended reactions process still occur in the United States. What about it is a big part of the world that do not conform to this type of packaging and food handling are the result of the people in these regions of the world to a much greater risk. Of course, not born with any sever food allergy attack. One of the deadliest in the world is the reaction to a bee or wasp sting. These types of reactions are potentially painful and usually fatal.
So even if you are not aware of any known allergies that could affect you, it is always a good preventive way to avoid potential problems caused by an allergy test. It is easy to explain my why every time your friend's house with a dog you long at the end of sneezing and whiz all the way home, or when you put on that favorite sweater, eyes tear all day (yes, people are allergic to certain detergents too!)
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