How to begin editing our karma? [Part 13] Star Charts for our moments

It is through a soulful link to our spirit and by the underlying principle that, although every challenge comes uninvited and is always inconvenient, we must "actively" accept all our disappointments and setbacks with an open heart. Accept under duress and the acquisition of a 'poor me' victim status are not viable options, it is not score us any points, but not resentful make us sick this passivity It forces us to make mistakes -.. Sometimes irreversible ones. 

A star chart to our 'Now' moment If we get started on a healthier lifestyle, unless we are sick, it's not because we anticipate benefits "now". We usually do this in an attempt to ensure a healthy future, as if good health were satisfactory, happy and long life with long life also. 

We plan 'the future', as if we knew what the future holds as of the time it is the 'now' moment under our feet look like. 

On the heels of the first universal misconception Who is responsible for this mess? Discussed, there is another persistent, misguided effort that also thousands of years old. It is the interpretation of moments and circumstances, our own actions and those of others, through "glasses" that are rarely rose-prone. More often than not, they are gray, if not downright gloomy black. As the children who, deep inside, we remain forever, we habitually slot events into three categories: 1 Good = euphoric, bubbly, feel-good stuff = a reward 2 Poor = low, dark, feel-bad stuff = an undeserved hardship 3 Indifferent = better luck next time. Whatever! 

Interestingly, we are equally surprised when something "good" comes our way as something "bad." We accept God's plan, but mostly annoying. We swallow our bad luck, if not just wallow in it for too long. We pump the air in a gesture of sublime thanks to luck on the rare occasions they rested, something 'amazing' or 'awesome' to fall on our lap. 

For those of us who, in the theory of karma to be the only alternative that life is random to choose to believe the truth of the matter is that the moments, events, circumstances, actions and re-actions that pop in our consciousness should always be considered neutral - as neutral as a precipitate. You should as a mere "happenings" of the kind that happen to the best of us, as they are considered the worst of us, but always for a [karmic] reason. 

Conclusion: our thoughts and our actions have consequences in our lives. These effects can be compared with waves. Ripples in themselves are neutral. They are only ... Ripple and eventually dissolve. But before we can achieve Aspire past first step on the continuum, which satisfaction, it is up to us, our thoughts and our actions with an inner process that align in general, have not properly develop our ancestors. What were some of them is to understand from this inner process has long been in our racial struggle to "reach" and "to be someone" lost. 

Several years ago, while trying to a point on a forum I was moderate to clarify, I came up with a little analogy that helped me to better understand who has the relationship between the soul - pure, clean energy - and the ego -persona/energy field. It went like this: 

Imagine a pond and lie at the bottom of this pond there is a quartz. This crystal has been there for quite some time, and looked at them from the edge of the pond, it seems dingy green, perhaps from pond slime. 

In my mind, our ego / ego-persona / our energy field is symbolized by the murky pond water while the crystal symbolizes the soul more pure energy - always. However, despite its diamond-like purity, it is not inherent to shine to guide us, reflected by the turbulence caused by the emotional murky mess created by our undisciplined ego. This fact leads to the degree of negative energy clouding our energy field. This is our pre-conditioned responses to the results "now" moments as they present themselves in their natural, neutral state. 

While I worked, from this, I initially thought that the crystal was green because it contaminated by pond slime. So, I thought that was done, scrub that crystal clear, so that they shine free to do as crystals - but I was wrong. The crystal, our soul, is never impure or contaminated. There is always pure energy. It's just that their energy does not shine through the standing water of the pond. 

So what needs to be done, is easy to clean, the water until it is quite clear, and then the crystal energy and brilliance shines through the water, all the way to the surface, even if it remains at the bottom of the pond. 

If on the subject, as he successfully managed his own whim interviewed the Dalai Lama, said: "You see, when I get angry or irritated by very small errors of other people, then I have only to express that and then quit, but eventually, if it is a severe form of anger, I try to separate myself from anger, then my anger, that emotion ... then immediately decreases the power of anger. [...] 

You can not have some sort of special practice for each case, but you need to build your basic attitude of mind in a healthy manner, as in the case of a healthy body where when the immune system is strong, then some viruses or bacteria can not They interfere much, so similar is your mental attitude to be quiet, then when some errors occur, even if some of the negative emotions come, they stay for a very short period of time, all the emotions remain on the surface, and do not interfere much in depth. "[1] 

Although I am not a Buddhist, and although I do not dabble in any fashionable replacement of Buddhism, but I can assume that the particular practice that has been the Dalai Lama could be alluding, but a variation of being quiet - Accept - Being Grateful - Transmutation and the feeling of anger, that of universal love, not necessarilyfor the person in front of him, but for the soul prisoner of this body suit of flesh and fluids. And the transmutation of emotions is the cleaning of the pond water, so that the crystal as a symbol of the soul can shine through our emotional disorder and anxiety, and are reflected on the mirror surface of the ego....

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