Watch Out For: foods that stain your teeth

What causes the problem?
According to dentists, diet could be one of the main reasons why your teeth become discolored. Tinted and colored foods are the biggest offenders, as they slowly color teeth, but durable tend over time. The color toned in food and drink comes from chromogens or intensely pigmented molecules. These molecules have a tendency to change the lock on tooth enamel making the color. In addition, poor oral hygiene and acidic foods also cause damage to the enamel on the microscopic level, the increase of dental staining. 

Foods to Avoid
1 Colored acidic drinks - tea, wine, coffee, sports drinks and cola are the primary culprits in this category. These drinks are acidic and they etch the enamel surface roughening it. The rough surface stains quickly and then takes these stains are very difficult to remove. 

2 Sauces - Coloured sauces such as soy sauce, tomato sauce, curry sauce, etc. are also highly colored and acidic in nature. They have considerable potential staining, but Rinse your mouth after a meal should help control the spots. You can also try switching to non-white colored sauces to reduce the staining potential. 

3 Colored berries - strawberries, pomegranates, blueberries, etc. are very nutritious, but they contain highly colored molecules that are very close attracted to tooth enamel. These berries are also very acidic, and this may be the spots which form on the surface of the teeth is increased. Make sure you brush and floss to prevent permanent damage. 

Preventive steps
It is not realistically possible to cut all these foods from your diet. To prevent sip drinks like tea, coffee and cola with a straw tooth damage and rinse your mouth immediately after. Do not be colored foods and drinks in your mouth for a long time remain, but swallow it quickly and rinse your mouth immediately. We recommend that you eat colored products in moderation and brush your teeth immediately afterwards. If possible, switch to neutral colored foods such as cauliflower, grapefruit, melons and avoid tooth damage. To ensure clean and healthy teeth, we also recommend you visit your dentist every six months. Your dentist will carry out a procedure called scaling and polishing, which is to remove surface stains and polish the enamel surface to remove the acid-induced roughness. Doctor suggests you the best oral care for you and your family....

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