What is acupuncture and what is the treatment process?

Acupuncture is a method, is treated with the aid of needles. The needles are inserted in different parts of the body to relieve pain for other therapeutic purposes. The origins of acupuncture are not yet confirmed that began in the century, but we know that it was originated from China. 

In modern times, acupuncture much criticism from the modern Chinese Civil War and Chinese Communist party leaders received acupuncture identification with different names such as superstitious and backward, creating a hurdle in the progress of science. 

Acupuncture gained popularity, when U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972 and was shown a patient under go an operation by acupuncture and the patient was awake and at the same time he was accompanied by a reporter from the New York Times and he received treatment by acupuncture and was stunned after receiving the treatment. He was so impressed with the treatment that he wrote an article about acupuncture, which then gained popularity. 

In recent times, when you show a diagram of a non-clinical doctors noticed doors body parts divided into different zones. These zones are for the purpose of acupuncture as after this treatment the needles in these positions and points, which are then inserted an impact on the affected part are divided. 

Acupuncture not only helps correct flow of energy through the body, but it also helps in regulating body functions and mental well-being. This treatment has also been used to cure headaches, digestive disorders and asthma and apart from these problems has been successfully used to heal and help for depression, phobias, addictions and eating disorders. 

You should know that the human body in the fourteen meridians, or channels, a meridian is divided for each of the twelve organs. Acupuncture pressure points are located along these meridians, and some points have more than one function, acupuncturist that they could use to other means illness and healing. 

There are acupuncture points on the back of the hand, thumb and index finger is, acupuncturist use these points to constipation and other internal diseases to cure. Another acupuncture point map is located at the base of the skull and along the gallbladder meridian. These points are used to cure flu and cough and fever and headache. There are so many pressure points in our body that can have so many diseases that we do not even heal. 

The acupuncturist knows all the pressure points in the human body and knows the exact points that are connected to different parts of our body. The needles are inserted into specific parts of the body so that the proper energy flow is established and relieve them of their disease. 

If you were treated by the acupuncturist will feel the flow of energy throughout the body in a new sense of physical and emotional harmony. Remember, for treatment of a real licensed acupuncturist....

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