Wheat intolerance explained

You may have heard or read that the sensitivity to wheat can cause a variety of health problems, and you heard it right! About one in seven people are sensitive to wheat products. 

To begin with, there are three main categories of problems associated with wheat consumption. Celiac Disease: This is actually a true allergic reaction (immune response) to a specific protein in wheat called gluten. There is currently no cure for this condition. Although intestinal damage occur, the damage is reversible, and healing usually occurs when wheat gluten is excluded from the diet. 

Wheat allergy: This refers to an allergy to one of the many proteins found in wheat, including wheat gluten. People to react with wheat allergy and on related grains such as barley, rye and oats. This differs from celiac disease, which is a reaction only on the gluten. 

Wheat Intolerance: This is not usually as an allergic reaction to wheat. It is usually. Not as sudden and severe than true allergy, and usually manifests itself as a low grade and chronic disease 

I will now focus only on wheat intolerance for the rest of this article. Many authorities believe that about one in seven people suffer from wheat intolerance. this condition can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are so varied and come to days after ingestion of wheat products. Technically wheat intolerance is an allergic reaction, but a different part of the immune system is involved as the true wheat allergies. Some of the symptoms of wheat intolerance are:
  •     Stomach bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhea, bloating, constipation
  •     Headaches
  •     Depression
  •     Chronic fatigue
  •     Emotional difficulties
  •     Low resistance to infection
  •     Arthritis
  •     Rashes, itching and / or scaly skin, psoriasis, eczema
  •     Cravings 

It is believed by many authorities that our genetic makeup has has not developed as quickly as agriculture, so many people just can not digest the complex molecular proteins (including gluten). In cereals such as wheat, rye, barley and oats Prior to the increase of agricultural crops, we mostly ate meat, vegetables and fruits. The only known way to avoid the effects of wheat intolerance to avoid wheat products. 

The best way to determine if you have a food intolerance, with an elimination diet. Although this is a very strict diet, which may be very few foods contain allowed, one can choose to only eliminate wheat products. The goal is to clear the suspected food from your system to before and after re-introduction and evaluation of the effect of these foods on your system. In any case, you do your due diligence and learn more about elimination diet or seek the help of a professional before embarking. Along the way...

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