10 Natural Home Remedies for Cold Sores - What would Grandma do?

Fever blisters, or what some call, cold sores are painful and ugly looking. We try to shot with makeup or just do not get our pictures until they are healed cover. 

10 natural home remedies can be effective. What are fever blisters or cold sores? They are small, fluid-filled blisters that can be painful. You can erupt on the lips, gums, nose, or mouth. It can cause pain, tingling, itching, or a day or two before the development of fever blister. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus and are contagious. The life cycle of a fever blister is seven to ten days. It is a virus that lies dormant in your body and there are some common triggers that trigger the onset of this nasty blister. They are, exposure to the sun, fever, a cold, stress, and especially in women during menstruation. 

Natural Home Remedies

Rubbing ice on the lesion for 10 minutes every hour on the first pages of the fever blister. It should go from the virus, in order to stop the skin. 

Lemon balm has antiviral properties. It should reduce the symptoms and speeds up the healing process. 

Lysine was found that the spread of the herpes simplex virus to inhibit. Lysine supplements can help shorten the time of cold sores. The recommended dose that I found is to take 1,000 mg three times daily. Lysine is an essential amino acid that we take through food or supplements. 

First sign of a cold sore, apply juice of the aloe vera plant. It begins the healing and not allow the bubble to grow. 

Peppermint oil should be used to accelerate the healing process. 

Grapefruit seed extract - mix 1 or 2 drops of aloe and apply it to the bladder. 

Black tea steep a tea bag, as you would normally, a cup of tea and turn the bag around the wound. In a few days, the bladder should be cured. 

Rhubarb and sage cream - It could be as effective as topical acyclovir cream. But the combination is what this means effectively. 

Saline put some on a wet finger and press on the wound for a few minutes twice a day for 2-3 days. 

Vick Vapo Rub it on the cold sore area at the first sign of tingling and until it is gone. 

So the next time you get a cold sore, try one of the over 10 natural home remedies.

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