Does Drinking herbal tea help you lose weight?

I find that many people make in search of a healthier alternative to diets the question - do not drink herbal tea help weight loss?

In all cultures, past and present, drinking and blending of teas has been used and practiced for many centuries. The knowledge of its health benefits and healing powers were passed down from many cultures and generations and continues today. They have played an important role in the weight loss industry and endorsed by celebrities such as Kylie Minogue and J-Lo to help their waist lines in check and celebrities can be very influential in starting trends among the masses.

The trendMost of us cringe when we hear that four-letter word ... D-I-E-T! We are constantly on the latest fashion in weight loss programs, supplements, videos and books, the large claims (usually incorrectly) make radically reduced weight in no time suckered. As a society so fixated on the image and according to what is acceptable, some even to the point of undergoing a surgical procedure, only to lose a few inches away!

We are constantly reminded that to be thin is 'in'. Billboards, ads in magazines, buses, newspapers, TV shows and movies bombard us with images of celebrities or models either look lean and toned. It is unfortunate that many of us will succumb to this ideology, and many will spend ridiculous amounts of money and time to accomplish this.

The Natural WayUnfortunately, taking methods, "such as shakes, capsules or pills are fulled by chemical synthesis and the weight loss many people are 'made so nasty side effects will arise. Luckily, there are more natural and alternative methods to combat them.

Traditional herbal tea has been used for medical purposes, and then, as a refreshing drink. They were used to treat most health conditions and diseases - arthritis and high blood pressure, colds and skin problems, and even stress and weight loss.There are a number of herbal tea recipes that can help with weight loss, but should not be relied on solely to achieve this.

Diuretics and laxativesCertain herbal teas have a diuretic (increased urine output) or laxative properties, which facilitates water retention and regulates digestion. Examples include alfalfa, dandelion, nettle and Senna. They can also be used to remove water and food weight before digestion and help your body to reduce the feeling of bloating.

Many passionate diet claim that diarrhea keeps the body absorbs calories or fat, but that is no argument and may lead to dehydration and laxative dependence.

Stimulants and Metabolism BoostersA number of studies have shown that some herbs, for example, guarana and kola nut as stimulants that can accelerate to act certain body functions such as an increase in digestion, respiration and heart rate. This is due to its caffeine content and can get a quick and brief boost to your metabolism to burn can help in increasing the rate of fat. The disadvantage of this is that caffeine can increase your appetite, so you could find yourself back at square one!

Appetite SuppressorsNatural appetite suppressors, such as Garcinia Cambogia (Mangosteen) and Hoodia Gordonii, were acclaimed to help in weight loss by his actions "trick" the mind to think, the stomach is full. Hoodia Gordonii has been used for many centuries by South African Khoisan herders to long periods of time without food and water while hunting and gathering to undergo. However, prolonged use could lead to addiction and malnutrition.

Digestive regulatorWeight problems often occur due to poor digestion and gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, a healthy digestive system is one of the best ways better when stabilized sewage regulate your weight as the body functions. Aloe vera, fennel, ginger, licorice, papaya and Senna are just some of the herbs that stimulates the intestine, can help to promote regular bowel movements.

Blood stabilizersCertain herbs such as cinnamon or Siberian ginseng can be used for their ability to stabilize and regulate blood sugar. They work by slowing the absorption of food, so you feel fuller for longer and to reduce the desire to eat sugary foods. Caution should be made when you are on high blood pressure or blood-thinning medications such as aspirin and warfarin, as this could increase the risk of bleeding suffer.

Green TeaAlthough not classified as herbal tea (such as its leaves from the tea plant Camellia sinensis come true), green tea has had conducted the most comprehensive research and is the closest thing to a weight loss herbal tea that has been shown to be effective.

It contains powerful antioxidants called "polyphenols". The most active and most studied of the component 'apigallocatechin gallate "(EGCG), because it is responsible for its slimming effects. Green tea also contains caffeine, which gives the drink its stimulating effect to increase your metabolism and help you burn fat and calories. These ingredients are the reason why they are used in popular diet pills.

The bottom line is to drink herbal tea can help in weight loss, but with all dietary guidance, it requires a combination of an active lifestyle and a balanced diet to battle the bulge. Although herbs are been extensively used throughout history, care should be taken when self-administering herbs are. Their wide range of actions and nature, some may end up doing more harm than good.

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